Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Member Monday; Group Discussion - Summer Fun

Long time no text Hippie Family! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the "summer" weather! It's been SO rainy here, so I'm not enjoying my fun in the sun just yet - but I know it's coming and I can't wait! Yesterday I posed the questions:

What are your summer plans? Do you focus on making anything in particular for summer? What's your favorite summer activity?

Lisa from ArtisticFunk 

My summer plans involve a lot of bbq's, hot tubbing, learning tennis and actually going OUT on the kayak I bought last year and to spend lots of family time with my Dad and little sister and try to help guide my nephew (my other sister's child). I AM focusing on making more Jewelry and my new line of Art On Tank Tops for summer which I plan to continue on Henleys in fall and winter. My favorite summer activity is sitting at night on the back deck under my mosquito neck tent with a laptop and doing the HippieP bnR with Luci's Idle Hands and Jean Braden and chatting with them and the rest of you hippies!(I CANNOT help it! I'm a DWEEB!) Can't wait to hear from everyone else!

Fiona from TheHappyMushroom

I just plan to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Last summer was such a washout that I really missed out on my grand adventures. I don't have any special products planned for the summer, but I will be making more of the usual in extra bright and cheerful sunny colors. I have been focusing for a while on surfer jewelry and that is a great summer product, going well. These men seem to love their bracelets, mens jewelry is turning into one of my best sellers! My favorite summer activity is wild camping. I live in a place with such beautiful countryside that myself, my wonderful man and my big old dog just like to get out there and enjoy it. We set up camp in the woods somewhere and cook delicious things around the campfire, swim on the beach and hike for miles.

Jennifer from JClaireP

Hmmm...Let's see, my Summer plans are trying to keep my daughter busy and entertained! LOL! I think that is the most challenging part of Summer Break. However, I do find time to work on Christmas items of all things! Right now I am working on a Christmas scarf and I am so close to being done! As far as my favorite Summer activity, I would definitely have to say cooking with the wonderful fruits and veggies that Summer brings. There is nothing like tomatoes from the garden and going to the Farmer's Market's and finding the best, freshest produce available..to me, that makes a perfect Summer. 

Sounds like those girls have some fun projects and summer fun coming their way! What are your summer plans? Do you find time to make anything special during summer? Comment below and let us know! If you'd like to join in the fun and the sharing over at the Hippie Peaceniks, you can find out more information about the Etsy team HERE. Make sure you follow along on this blog for more fun get-to-know information on some of our talented artists and shop owners, and some great tips from Luci!

Until next time, smile and pass it on! You never know who just may need it today and what a difference it could make to them! 

X's and O's,
Lulu of DivineLuluCreations

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to hear about everyone's summer plans! WHEEEEEEEEE SUMMER!!!
